
The aroma has lasted for more than six hundred and ninety years, carrying the same essence

The yeast is raw material used for fermentation in making Baijiu. During the fermentation, the microorganism will produce metabolites and it is the one that endows Baijiu with the unique aroma.

the No.1 yeast in China

In 1324 A.D.

In 1324 A.D., after more than thirty years of exploration and experiment, Guo Huaiyu, the inventor of Luzhou Laojiao traditional Baijiu-making technique, devel- oped Ganchunqu, a kind of grand yeast which can make the fragrance and taste of Baijiu more abundant and varied, opening a new era of Chinese Baijiu. Today, the grand yeast Baijiu owns more than 92% market share of Chinese Baijiu, and Guo Huaiyu is the true “ancestor of Chinese grand yeast”.

Till now

Luzhou Laojiao has established the first yeast-making ecological zone of Baijiu industry, which can mass-produce grand yeast in a professional, scientific and traditional manner; the Jiuxiang brand and trademark we registered are reputed as “the No.1 yeast in China”.

离岛区| 玉林市| 榆树市| 临沧市| 自贡市| 临城县| 闽侯县| 蓬莱市| 内江市| 象州县| 布拖县| 六枝特区| 永平县| 泰来县| 商水县| 鄂伦春自治旗| 清苑县| 东乡族自治县| 阿瓦提县| 河津市| 江安县| 望谟县| 富平县| 西青区| 四平市| 崇义县| 文成县| 松滋市| 林口县| 威宁| 大同县| 赤城县| 游戏| 隆尧县| 嘉祥县| 东丰县| 自治县| 南平市| 永登县| 青神县| 泾源县|